Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Generational Differences

I watched a team dance competition number of  YouTube. The message of the dance was "We don't care how much you know, until we know how much you care."
Such an interesting saying. At first I agreed without giving it a second thought. But then I put it into the perspective of things that I have been trying to understand and work through in context of the older generation. I don't think that our grandparents would initially agree with that sentence.  They do value knowledge and experience and want to be valued for their life experience. 

I heard two grandparents discussing the woes and unteachableness of the current generation in sprouts a couple weeks ago. They kept lamenting the fact that this generation is failing and no one asks for their opinions. I couldn't help but being afraid to ask them. They didn't seem to have any solutions except....we did it differently.

 I don't want to just feel like I"m doing everything wrong and the only way to fix it is to revert to the past....which is impossible.

I do want the help and advice that is only learned though the experiences of life. I want to have friends and mentors that are on the latter end of their fight with life. I need their perspective. But I also need hope! I need a vision on how to thrive here, now, in this generation, with its complications. 

So, grandparents....we might not show it well, but there are a bunch of us that want to know what you know...but we filter who it is important to learn from by know who it is who cares.

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